Updates 7/7

Happy Friday!
We're wishing you a belated happy Independence Day! This past week has been a notable milestone:
- officially ½ way through the year
- BTC and ETH holding stable and overall gaining, with some fun up and downs in-between; wouldn’t be crypto without it, eh? BTC began the year at $16,605 while doubling to $30,581 as of July 1; ETH was at $1,199 and made it to $1,924.
- Current admin has unabashedly had it out for crypto, coming down hard by suing Binance and Coinbase this year. FGG should trend on Twitter all day every day, am I right? High hopes for 2024 as there are at least 3 solid pro-crypto presidential hopefuls, but every day is a good day to be an American.
- In solid contrast, financial corporations took a deep dive into crypto waters with Bitcoin ETF applications and crypto exchanges. Â
Forecasting vibes are up for Q3 and Q4; what could possibly go wrong? :D
Get them while you can:
- $52/share @ $.075 hosting for a new S19 XP 141T, produces ~$2.89 of BTC mined per share per month, or ~.1% ROI/day, net.
- Used miners: S19 XP 141th @ $4.5k or S19 J Pro 104th @ $2.2k. Either are already plugged in. 3 month deposit required, but setup fee waived.
Keep mining, rain or shine.
Mining Syndicate
Miningsyndicate.com - Book a call or tour with us here