The Best Rizz There Is

Yesterday, Bitcoin established without a doubt that it was indeed the “working-class phenomenon that trickled up” when 11 11 Bitcoin ETFs were approved.
We think Natalie Brunell sums it up best: “15 years ago a new technology and a new form of money emerged organically, completely bottom-up, and now it’s a major asset class with some of Wall Street’s biggest firms jockeying to offer a spot Bitcoin ETF.”
This isn’t just a step forward,
it’s a pivotal moment of recognition and legitimacy for digital assets.
You’re not just building generational wealth,
you’re part of a historical movement,
and you’ve got the best rizz there is.
Deals of the week:
- Antminer S21 deal: the first 5 S21 miners ordered get 10% off. The S21s are set to arrive in 10-14 days. Use this link to checkout with the discount code: 10offS21. The Antminer S21 features different 3 models, the 200t, 195t, and 188t starting at $5,550.
- The Antminer T21 190t is a February preorder @ $4,350, using just 17.5 J/TH of power to generate approximately 200 TH/s of hashing power; email for deal.
- IceRiver KS3M 6t @ $9,300 profits about $53/day in Kaspa coin; email for deal.
- Split Shares @ $47/share @ $.075 hosting for a new S19k Pro 120T, producing ~$2.84 of BTC mined per share per month, or ~.1% ROI/day, net.
To the moon,
Mining Syndicate - Book a call or tour with us here