News Updates 10/27

News Updates 10/27

Happy Thursday, Miners!

Bitcoin crossed the 20k threshold for what seems like the millionth time this year. Could this be the run we need? Will short positions continue to get destroyed? Did Ian Balina manage to squeeze his investors further so he doesn't have to use his own money on legal defense? Stay tuned for the next episode of "America's Got Bitcoin".

As you eagerly anticipate that release, here is what's going on at Mining Syndicate this week:

  1. We have seen price increases across the board for the first time in months. Most models rose by at least $200. We view this as something very positive in the mining market and expect this to be a norm as we stay above 20k. Get in the game now and check out our bestsellers.
  2. We have about 20 spots left for the KA3 preorder right now. Crypto or wire payments only. Once these are gone, we can still get more preorders, but they will most likely be at a higher price.
  3. We have a few split shares left of an S19 XP 141 and we plan to add more soon. 
  4. Facility updates: Our Idaho location recently added on security and maintenance, making it an even safer, cleaner environment for your miners. Also, new panels have been added for better uptime percentages in both Idaho and Texas.
  5. The first steps in building a repair center at our main facility in Dallas have begun. The benefits will be HUGE as it should cut down mailing out miners for repairs by up to 95%. We’ll keep you updated. With that being said, you can now purchase parts on our website here. We will continue to add to this collection weekly.
  6. Open and immediate hosting space is still available! Reply to this email to inquire, let’s get your miners – quite literally - hooked up.

Happy mining!

Mining Syndicate - Book a call with us here