News Updates 10/13

Happy Thursday!
The TX weather is starting to cool down and everyone is talking about pumpkins again. Do they know you can buy pumpkin spice year-round? I digress, let's get to it:
- Split Shares saw another price drop and we just listed another new S19 XP 141 for $78/share. It should be sold out by the end of the day, but we'll be adding more as they come in so check back periodically. We also have some S19 110 shares left for $41.
- The KA3 Preorder prices keep increasing, while whole BTC miners and L7s have dropped slightly. KA3s are profiting $55/day right now, but this will likely be different by the time they ship in December.
- We still have open and immediate hosting space available. Respond to this email to inquire.
Have a great week!
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