News Updates 09/28

News Updates 09/28

Happy Hump Day!

This email marks 8 straight weeks of weekly emails. How's that for consistency? I slipped over the summer, but that's a story for another day...

Let's get after it today:

  1. We're wondering if there's any demand out there for buying used miners. They'd be 10-20% less than new, but the warranty would have 0-6 months remaining. Please reply directly if you have any interest. If we get a good response rate we'll start listing them. They'd come with a 30-day warranty that we provide in-house.
  2. We sold out of everything we listed last week! So we're a bit short-handed this week. We'll have more XP 141s next week, both whole and Split Shares.
  3. We have some $43 new S19 110 Split Shares left that we just listed. In case you missed it last week, here's a 2-minute Split Shares explainer video as well as a video of the dashboard and checkout process.
  4. We're going to start selling miner parts in 1-2 weeks. Fans, PSUs, etc. Be on the lookout for that. They will all be in stock in Dallas for quick shipping. This will also help us get repair times down significantly.
  5. Kadena (KD) and L7 miners saw massive price drops last week. These are some of the most profitable on the market right now.
  6. New S19 XPs are still under $7k (for the 134). 
  7. We have near immediate availability to host miners not purchased from us. Simply respond to this email to inquire.

Have a great Wednesday!

Mining Syndicate - Book a call with us