MS News ·
News Update 06/01

Good morning!
BTC seems to be rebounding a tad. Will it stick? S19s don't seem to care, either way. They just keep humming along just as they should.
There are a few updates to give you all this morning, so let’s get into it.
- All major miner models have seen significant price drops on the site over the last few days.
- We're looking at hosting projects in SC (immersion), DFW, Houston, and expanding our current offering in KY. Those currently waiting will get 1st priority and an email will be sent after those slots have been filled.
- Our original facility in DFW is getting a new compressor installed which will help with recent overheating issues.
- We recently doubled the footprint of our DFW facility, and hope to add more capacity for miners in the coming months. Feel free to come and pay us a visit, you can set up an appointment with us through the website!
- Please email for 5+ miner deals, we will be able to offer you a personalized discount in this case!
That's about it this week!
Feel free to respond with any questions or concerns or book a call with us below.
Thank you,
Mining Syndicate - Book a call with us here