"I Survived the Summer of 2023"

Happy Wednesday!
Split Shares are back in stock: $48/share @ $.075 hosting for a new S19 XP 141T, produces ~$3.29 of BTC mined per share per month, or ~.1% ROI/day, net. Get ‘em while you can.
When we say get them while you can, we’re not kidding. 200 Split Shares sold out in less than 2 hours yesterday.
You’ve been warned.
For the past 4 months, BTC has consistently stayed in the range of $27k - $30k. Yeah, BTC prices are a bit on the boring side; but honestly, a little less volatility should be appreciated not begrudged. The universe has given you one more generous chance to buy the dip. Appreciate it while you have it, because one thing’s for certain – it will not last.
Speaking of things that won’t last, believe it or not, this summer heat will dissipate in about a month. We’re thinking about making stickers for every miner at our TX locations that say “I Survived the Summer of 2023”. It has been just that intense.
Equally intense has been our process of adding new hosting locations. We don’t do business with just anyone. We go to great lengths to identify bad actors in the industry to protect you and your miners. Well, our due diligence has paid off: our newest location in Washington state just plugged in its first batch of miners, and we anticipate our second newest location to be plugged in less than a week.
Take the universe up on its gifts of lowered volatility and increased hosting availability by owning a whole miner under $2k: the classic and steadfast Antminer S19 J Pro 104T @ $1,900. Reply to email to claim.
This is your sign.
Keep mining, rain or shine.
Mining Syndicate
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