Goodbye, Gary

Happy Wednesday!
Looks like the enemy of innovation shifted his focus recently.
*collective sigh of relief*
Good riddance, Gary. Hello, progress!
Speaking of progress, have you heard of this new mineable crypto called Kaspa?
In their own words, Kaspa is a cryptocurrency with “a completely open source with no central governance – following in the ethos of coins like Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Monero”. The technology behind the coin is supposed to allow for the fastest transactions via their blockDAG network, nearly instant confirmation – 10 seconds on average, and less energy intensive than other POW networks.
Like with any proof of work altcoin, it’s high risk, but also high reward. Kaspa earnings are uncharted territory, but we were able to secure industry's best prices from our suppliers:
- Bitmain Antminer KS3 8300 Gh/s @ $38.5k. Ships end of August
- IceRiver Kaspa miners starting at $7.5k. Ships end of August
Looking for a little less risk? One of the miners we recommend the most is on sale: Antminer S19 Pro 110 T @ $2,190.
We also have used miners for sale that are already plugged in and hashing. S19j Pros @ 96T, 100T, and 104T starting @ $15/T. 3 month hosting deposit @ .09/kwh is required, but setup fee is waived.
Interested in any of these? Email back to claim.
You can purchase and own our Split Shares instantly, though: $47/share @ $.075 hosting for a new S19 XP 141T, produces ~3.38 of BTC mined per share per month, or ~.1% ROI/day, net.
That was a lot of information to cover, but if you have anything else on your mind, just let us know. We LOVE hearing from you! Please know you also have a standing invitation to tour our main facility. Until next time …
Keep mining, rain or shine.
Mining Syndicate - Book a call or tour with us here