$30k BTC?

$30k BTC?

Happy Tuesday, Miners!

Waking up to BTC over $30k: priceless. Waking up to restocked Split Shares: double priceless. Well, okay, maybe not exactly priceless, but you get our fiated drift :D We’ve got Split Shares available: $59/share @ $.075 hosting. Our handy dandy calculator is telling us ~ $3.43 of BTC mined per share per month as of today.

We’re all seeing crypto go up and up; somebody tell Dory to just keep pumping. If you are interested in saving some money by getting in before the next run, check out these deals; they’re currently set to ship at the end of the month:

  • S19 XP 141 tH/S - $4,500
  • S19 Pro + 120 tH/S - $2,590
  • E9 Pro 3380M - $2,960
  • KA3 166 tH/S - $9,190

If you are interested in any of these, please respond to this email and we will help you order at these prices.

We have several Avalon 1246 85 tH/S miners for sale priced at $1,200 each; ship ‘em out or host with us. We expect these to sell out, so first come, first serve. As before, if this interests you, please respond to this email.

What miners (or related products) do you or your colleagues have your eyes on? We would love to hear feedback about what you would like to see listed on our website!

Until next time, keep mining, rain or shine!


Mining Syndicate
Miningsyndicate.com - Book a call with us here.